I used to love my hair, and I spent a long time doing it. I wouldn’t go out the door to the shop without doing my hair. At 21, at a wedding it all went wrong, and it all started falling out. I just lost my hair, and it impacted me massively. I stopped going out, and photos became a chore because I didn’t want to be seen. Even when my children were born, I stopped having photos. I wouldn’t have any photos with them, so it had a massive impact on me and I needed to stop my confidence from getting any lower. So, I came here to Hair InXs to see if I could get help to change.
As you can see, I've had my hair piece on. All I can say is thank God for Dad and the team here in Hair InXs because without them, I wouldn’t have been able to have photos at my own wedding. Now I can have photos with my children, and I feel so thankful to Dad and the team. I couldn’t be more grateful. You should come and try it.
Bleddyn's Transformation
Watch Bleddyn's transformation video