Kerry's Transformation

Watch Kerry's Transformation Video

Hi my name's Kerry I'm 40 years old and i have been pulling my hair out since i was 14. It has affected my life badly, I was bullied at school to the extent my anxieties became so much that i ended up on antidepressants just to get me by.

It would take me hours to get ready in the morning to try and cover up any bald patches, as the bald patches got worse it took longer and longer.

As I grew up I had my children, I unfortunately wouldn't have any photographs done in hospital with them so when they were born I have no photographs of myself and my babies.

As they grew up I wouldn't go swimming in fear of getting my hair wet, I would sit at the side and watch my partner take my young children to swimming lessons which was quite painful, I really wanted to be involved.

As time went on they grew up and they wanted to go to theme parks, I refused to go as I wouldn't go on the rides.

I would avoid any social situations, if my partner had work-dos I would make excuses not to go. Usually, babysitting would be our best excuse

Then one day, my best friend who I have known for many years was having a hen-do abroad and I refused to go.  It really affected her, and my daughter saw how sad it also made me feel so she was very young but she googled "Hair Loss Problems" and found Hair InXs and she asked me to give them an email.

So, I actually emailed deb and strangely received an email which I wasn't expecting straight back about 10 - 20 minutes later and then there was no turning back. I met deb and her lovely team and everything was sorted from there.

After treatment

So here is my new hair replacement system, it is absolutely amazing, it has changed mylife dramatically.

My daily routine is simple, I will get out of bed and brush my hair. I can wash my hair, it is so natural.

My children's life has changed, they've got their mum back.  I can go swimming, i don't mind if my hair gets wet. I can get caught out in the rain. I go on all the roller coasters.

It is absolutely amazing, deb and her team will never know what they have done for me. They have given me my life back.

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