Wendy's Transformation

Watch Wendy's Transformation Video

I first noticed my hair was going thin when I had my last baby and it just got progressively worse and then when I reached menopause it really did go very very thin I was very unhappy and I wasn't going out anywhere and whatever I wore it made no difference because I
just felt awful with my hair going fla and thin. 

My daughter brought me home a leaflet for Hair InXs, Debbie and all her staff were absolutely amazing when I came in my consultation and straightaway I knew that I wanted to go ahead and do it. On the day when I came in to have it done I really could not believe the change and I never looked back since and I just feel full of confidence now

After treatment

it's Wendy again and as you can see I've had my new hair replacement I can't put into words how much better I feel it's just an amazing feeling and I just want to thank Debbie and all her staff for all the support and kindness they've shown me and it's just made such a world of difference in my personal life and my working life so thank you everybody.

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Watch Gemma's Transformation Video
Kerry's Transformation
Watch Kerry's Transformation Video
Linda's Transformation
Watch Linda's Transformation Video
Kerry's Transformation
Watch Kerry's Transformation Video
Eva's Transformation
Watch Eva's Transformation Video